Sunday, August 29, 2010


One of my favorite things about Crossfit Fenway is their weekly invasion WOD. Every Saturday, Crossfit Fenway hosts a WOD in public which members can attend. Being new to Boston, I find this a great way to get to know my new home. I finally found some free time and managed to go yesterday, my first invasion WOD.

WOD: AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 15 minutes of:
10 push ups
Run through the fountain
10 squats

Rounds: Lost count. At least 17.

What does running through the fountain mean? Well, it means running... through a fountain. Literally. There was a water fountain located at where we were working out and the coach thought it'd be a good idea to include it in our little AMRAP. Here's a picture:


I didn't manage to get a good picture of the fountain, the water was just getting started! The topless guy is also a member of CF Fenway.


All wet after completing the WOD. Great way to travel the T. Also a good way of getting weird looks in the elevator.

1 comment:

  1. hey jimbeenabo - my teacher designed that public fountain space!! very cool... :)
